Friday, April 12, 2019
$10 per human.
CLICK HERE for tickets
Check out Muh Grog Zoo on facebook by clicking HERE
Spring brings the Zoo.
And we're thrilled to be back.
We'll be getting our 153rd and 154th word this night.
Keepin' on truckin'.
These randomly chosen words (from 2 of our audience mouths) will provide MGZ the wherewithal to do (2) 40 minute Improvised One Act Plays.
A night that'll surely stay with you in all the best ways.
$10 per head.
Tickets at the link or at the door. (the sooner the better)
April 12th, 2019 - 8pm.
And yet again we are partnering with the wonderful Tacoma Little Theatre. Thanks, Tacoma Little Theatre, we like your house.
*For mature minded persons