Each season TLT presents its "Off the Shelf" series.  We know that there is a tremendous amount of wonderful theatre that deserves to be heard but sometimes just doesn’t get an opportunity. With “Off the Shelf”, local directors and actors will be bringing some scripts to life that we hope you will find entertaining, challenging and educational to our stage. We hope that you’ll sit back and enjoy an evening of theatre. You never know, you might see one of these shows on our mainstage in the future.

OFF THE SHELF 2024-2025

We are excited to bring back our “Off the Shelf” series for 2024-3025. Titles will be announced shortly along with ticketing information.

There will be no “Off the Shelf” readings in September October, or January.

OFF THE SHELF 2023-2024

OFF THE SHELF 2022-2023

OFF THE SHELF 2021-2022

Dramaturgy prepared by Lydia K. Valentine

OFF THE SHELF 2019-2020

Fuddy Meers.png
TLT 4000 Days.png

OFF THE SHELF 2018-2019

TLT For Peter Pan on Her 70th Birthday.png
Hurly Burly.png

OFF THE SHELF 2017-2018

dear liar.png
building the wall.png



OFF THE SHELF 2016-2017

OCTOBER 27, 2016

OFF THE SHELF 2015-2016

OFF THE SHELF 2014-2015