LIKE YOU LIKE IT-Presented by ClubTLT

AUGUST 26 & 27, 2016
Friday and Saturday 7:30pm

Click Here for tickets

A fun twist on the Shakespeare classic!

It's 1985 and the brand new Arden Mall is hosting a high school dance. Bookworm babe Rosalind wants to go with varsity wrestler Orlando, but she's never had the guts to talk to him. Rosalind disguises herself as a frat dude named Corey and learns Orlando's true feelings for her. But things get tricky when "Corey" complicates the lives of three other couples at Arden. Rosalind will do anything to get Orlando, even if it means showing up at the dance as both herself and Corey.

Filled with memorable tunes, a hip sense of humor, pure joy and a huge heart, it all works out LIKE YOU LIKE IT if you take the biggest risk of all: being yourself.