Tacoma Little Theatre welcomes local author, and radio host, Gerry Bradley, to their stage with his one-man show, BIRDS FROM THE THICKET, based on his book. 

Gerry Bradley reaches out with a hand of hope to the 2.3 million people suffering from Bi-Polar/Manic Depression and those close to them. It is an autobiographical account that takes the listener through the joys and sorrows of the authors life. Gerry Bradley found his way back from the highs and lows to the "light at the end of the tunnel". He now lives a rewarding and fulfilling life and you can too.  The afternoon spans the range of human emotion; at times it's a labor of love, by others, a labor of despair. Yet with honesty, courage, and grace the author has set the story to the stage. It is at once an accounting of the author's personal history as well, as an accounting of American history--the journey of an Oklahoma boy who found his way back home by examining his heart--it's a hero's journey.

BIRDS FROM THE THICKET-AN AFTERNOON WITH MR. CHIT CHAT will perform Sunday, May 1, 2016 at 3:00pm.  This show is recommended for all 12 and up.

Tickets are $15.00 and may be purchased online here or by calling our Box Office at (253) 272-2281
